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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2008
1196 Main Street Town Hall

Members Present:        C. Stanovich, R. Ricker, D. Lindberg, C. Prager, O. Lies, W. Ritter, Al Bonofiglio

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

SITE PLAN/SPECIAL PERMIT – 1429 Main St:  C. Stanovich and D. Lindberg signed the Mullins Rule affidavit that they reviewed the minutes regarding this project.

The applicant has submitted revised plans and drainage calculations.  The area of the detention pond has slightly increased, but the depth has remained at two (2) feet.  The Board has the revised letter and plans from Andrysick Land Surveying.  DPW is satisfied with the revisions.  The applicant is also in the process of notifying the High School as the Board requested.

D. Andrysick discussed the applicant’s interest in placing an electronic gate at the north west side of the driveway entrance site with the Board.  This gate should be placed on the site plan.  The Board wants review and approval from the fire chief before making a decision.  The applicant requested approval without the gate.  R. Ricker recommended a no trespassing sign.  W. Ritter added ‘cars will be towed’.

R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing.  W. Ritter seconded.  R. Ricker motioned to approve the waiver request, and read the draft into record.  C. Prager seconded.

R. Ricker motioned to approve the site plan, and read the draft into record.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  R. Ricker moved to amend the motion to add that the applicant has the right to add motion sensor lighting.  A. Bonofilio seconded the motion.  Vote 7-0, all in favor.

DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION – Greenwood Estates, C.B. Blair Builders:  C. Stanovich and D. Lindberg signed the Mullins Rule affidavit that they reviewed the minutes regarding this project.  A. Bonofiglio may stay and observe the meeting, but cannot vote.

The applicant has acquired a lot at the intersection of Highland and Union Street.  Proposed changes to improve the intersection were discussed.  DPW approved of the changes.

Pubic Comments:
David Lundergan, 39 Union St:  Asked for clarification of intersection plans, and was informed that they have not been submitted yet, but will be submitted by the next meeting.  R. Ricker was concerned with staff review time.  C. Blair will email a pdf file to P. Harding by Friday.

R. Ricker motioned to continue the Public Hearing to February 12, 2008, at 7:30 pm, with a written request by the applicant, with an extension of time to file a decision to March 1, 2008.  O. Lies seconded.  Vote, 6-0, all in favor.

SALISBURY STREET, Affordable Housing Development, Sotir Papalilo:  There is a one hundred acre lot at the Holden Line on Salisbury Street.  The Developer is interested in submitting a plan under the Town’s Affordable Housing By Law.  The development would consist of a mix of single family, duplex and condominium units, similar to those at Stoneridge Estates, as a separate 40B filing the applicant intends to add 72 rental units.  The property also has frontage on Fisher Road.  If sewer capacity is not available, the applicant is proposing to construct an on-site sewer treatment plant.

This project will be in various phases.  Phase 1 will be the single family houses, and Phase 2 will be the condos.  There will be a mix of 40B and Affordable Housing.  The ZBA will be permitting rental properties.  The Board discussed the 6-7% of affordable housing in Holden with Winterberry Hollow.  Also discussed was the location in relation to Fisher Road.  The Board had concerns regarding the narrow width of Fisher Road and also expressed serious concerns regarding an onsite treatment plant.

The Board recommended that the applicant submit preliminary plans.

Master Plan:  P. Harding informed the Board that the committee is shooting for March to be completed..  O. Lies stated that CMRPC has submitted a proposal to complete the open space and recreation plan.
Windmill Development:  O. Lies stated that the Board should review a CD of ‘Green Building’.  This will be put on the February 12th agenda if possible.
Site Plan:  D. Lindberg said that a site plan should not be under a special permit.
Subdivisions:  O. Lies recommended the Board visit ongoing subdivisions as an annual event.
Main Street Traffic:  C. Prager discussed traffic near the Industrial Park.  Vehicles are using the lanes as passing lanes, and this issue should be revisited.

Other Business:
Wachusett Woods Bond Revision:  W. Ritter motioned to revise the bond.  R. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.
Dunkin Donuts:  P. Harding has a revised plan for the location of the kiosk at the drive-thru.  O. Lies suggested remarking the pavement markings.  W. Ritter motioned to approve with changes clarifying the pavement markings. R. Ricker seconded.
Homeland Security Grant:  Maximum of $50,000 available to the towns for public safety.

Meeting Minutes:
September 25, 2007:  R. Ricker motioned to approve.  D. Lindberg seconded.  C. Prager and O. Lies abstained.  Vote 5-0, approved.
November 27, 2007:  C. Prager motioned to approve.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  R. Ricker abstained.  Vote 6-0, approved.

NEXT MEETING:  February 12, 2008, at 7:30 PM. at the Memorial Town Hall.

W. Ritter motioned to adjourn.  R. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 9:10 PM.

January 22, 2008 minutes approved:              April 22, 2008          

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary